Guns Are Not Our God! The NRA Is Not Our Church!
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Guns Are Not Our God! The NRA Is Not Our Church! was published in the wake of the Parkland, Florida shootings, in support of #MarchForOurLives and #NationalSchoolWalkout. We are in crisis over guns in the United States. We’ve had the logic of statistics, the emotions of seeing innocents die, the public health rationales of experts – but nothing has yet swayed the outcome of the gun debate. This is because the gun identity is embedded into the psyche of American culture. Nothing less than a transformation of national character will save lives. Guns Are Not Our God! The NRA Is Not Our Church! explores all facets of this debate, delving into the psychological and public health research on guns, and providing a profound analysis and rallying cry. This slim volume is sure to inspire debate and action on this pressing issue of our time.
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Check out these related media appearances:
For the People with Don Lacy on KPOO
15 minutes on gun psychology at the 4:45 pm mark (sorry, you can’t fast forward! Enjoy the music and other guests!)
live broadcast on May 31, 2022, after Buffalo and Uvalde
CultureChat Podcast with Mimi Chan
About gun culture, mental health and identity for Asian Americans (1st half on Asian Am mental health, 2nd half on gun culture)
broadcast February 12, 2019
NBC Asian Pacific America with Robert Handa
Broadcast July 3, 2018
On Guns Are Not Our God! The NRA Is Not Our Church!
Dr. Ravi Chandra’s approach — scholarly, deeply researched, thoughtful, passionate (and compassionate!) — is excellent. He raises all the right issues in a clear and intelligent manner. The endnotes provide valuable ways to continue reading on this subject. Well worth it!
Howard B.
Amazon Customer