Asian American Anger – It’s A Thing! #DVChallenge
Asian American Anger! It’s A Thing! was published in 2014 following the Isla Vista massacre. Covering the difficult issues of domestic violence and Asian American male and female anger and relationship, this book is a timely understanding of human psychology and culture. The lead essay on male anger has been called “jarring”, “breathtaking,” and “important”.
Ebook available for free download
Amazon Kindle
Asian American Anger PDF
mobi and epub editions available for free download on my old website.
Paperback available at
CreateSpace (preferred)
On Guns Are Not Our God! The NRA Is Not Our Church!
Dr. Ravi Chandra’s approach — scholarly, deeply researched, thoughtful, passionate (and compassionate!) — is excellent. He raises all the right issues in a clear and intelligent manner. The endnotes provide valuable ways to continue reading on this subject. Well worth it!
Howard B.
Amazon Customer