Ravi Chandra, M.D., Psychiatrist and Writer Message

From: "Ravi Chandra, M.D., Psychiatrist and Writer" <hello@PROTECTED>
Date: June 19th 2024

(The Orpheus Fountain at Cranbrook Academy of Art, affiliated with my high school, Cranbrook, in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Highlighted in my article about my reunion.)

Dear all,

Happy Juneteenth! I've published three new articles since my last newsletter, two at East Wind eZine and one at Psychology Today:

MOSF 19.3: Faces/Places: Late Night In-Flight Thoughts Returning from my 40th High School Reunion at Cranbrook Kingswood (June 15, 2024) A reflection on my 40th high school reunion at Cranbrook Kingswood school: a journey of cringe and compassion, down the river of self.

MOSF 19.2: Remembering Nguyen Qui Duc, Where the Ashes Are, and Who We Are (May 27, 2024) Nguyen Qui Duc, journalist, entrepreneur, and friend, passed away in November, 2023. Here is a memorial to Duc, and a review of his groundbreaking memoir, “Where the Ashes Are: The Odyssey of a Vietnamese American Family,” which was one of the first refugee memoirs of the Vietnamese diaspora.

In Psychology Today since last newsletter:

Pixar’s Inside Out 2: Sense of Self, Emotions, and Memories  (June 15, 2024) A Personal Perspective: Pixar's Inside Out 2 is a wonderful sequel to 2015's Oscar-winning Inside Out. What does it teach us about the inner life and sense of self?

ICYMI: Admissions Granted will be broadcast on MSNBC on June 30, 2024:

“Admissions Granted”: AAPI Responses to Affirmative Action (May 10, 2024) A Personal Perspective: The U.S. Supreme Court overturned affirmative action using Asian Americans' stories. What do Asian Americans think of affirmative action?

Thanks for your time and attention!



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