"Facebuddha is an exhortation to cultivate genuine love, kindness, and compassion.”
Deann Borshay Liem, director and producer
Facebuddha is now available in hardcover and ebook online and from your local indie bookstore!!!
Barnes and Noble
Indiebound (for your local bookstore)
Also, you can get a taste of the psychological research at two recent blogposts on Psychology Today:
Don't Just Blame Facebook for Fake News: It's Us, Too
"Me Too" and the Limits of Internet Empathy
My book trailer is out! And launch events are coming up! I added a $5 guest level for my Monday, October 23rd event, for just nibbles and the conversation with F.B. Steele, M.D., former Executive Director of the C.J. Jung Institute. You'll have the option of buying the book on site. Tickets will likely be available at the door as well, but if you RSVP, I will know how much food and drink to bring. (Rice Paper Scissors will be catering!) Thanks!
“The only instruction is kindness.” Ravi Chandra celebrates the publication of Facebuddha: Transcendence in the Age of Social Networks! The animated book trailer is up on Facebook and YouTube – please watch and share!
List members are invited to use discount code SUPERFAN for $5 off a hardcover copy of the book at Ravi’s Facebuddha launch events on October 23rd and 28th, the first with a conversation with F.B. Steele, M.D., former Executive Director of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. On Wednesday, November 8th at 7:30 pm, Ravi will be in conversation with journalist Bernice Yeung at Booksmith’s Bindery (free event).
Five years in the making, Facebuddha is a rich Asian American memoir, a state-of-the-art exploration of psychological research about social media, and an engaging introduction to Buddhism. Tamlyn Tomita says Facebuddha is “a very personal, often funny, warmly intelligent, thoughtful and heartfelt journey to transcendence!” Other reviewers call it “inspiring,” “magnificent,” “breathtakingly personal,” and “an invitation to depth and personal growth.” Ravi is depending on word-of-mouth, so please share, and read this great book!
Finally, please go see The Tiger Hunter! This was the opening night film at CAAMFest, and it was fantastic! Tickets are still available for Thursday and Friday this week in San Francisco! Trailer and details online.
Thanks! And I'll have some very interesting news and reviews soon!
This mailing list is announce-only.
This list will be an occasional update on the writings of Dr. Ravi Chandra. Free book on Asian American Anger available at https://ravichandramd.com/portfolio/asianamericananger/
I will not sell or give your emails to any third party. Your email will only be used by me with your permission. For a free ebook on Asian American anger, visit http://ravichandramd.com/test/portfolio/asianamericananger/