“Facebuddha is magnificent, a breathtakingly personal work that combines memoir, media commentary, Buddhist practicum and depth psychology. Like Martin Luther’s theses, these chapters are nailed on the door of the Cathedral of Technology asking us to look beyond our screens by way of reforming contemporary indulgences. As we do so our world moves beneath the surface sheen and towards the interior. Ravi Chandra’s effervescent prose locates compassion, in his own soul and in the soul of humanity,
in real world relationships endangered by modernity. ”
F.B. Steele, M.D., psychiatrist and teacher
Former Executive Director, C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
(Check out all my blurbs at www.facebuddha.co)
Dear friends, colleagues and supporters -
I am down to the final prepublication phase, and my book and book trailer will be released soon! Please buy your tickets soon so I know how much food (by Rice Paper Scissors!!) and drink - and how many books - to bring :)
Many of you have bought tickets to either my Launch Event or my Open House! Thank you! I've just added a $15 Supporter Level, which comes with an iBooks download link (sorry, not Kindle) !!! I hope this makes it possible for more of you to come. Also for members of this list, the discount code SUPERFAN gets you a $5 discount on the hardcover book. Also - a Booksmith event has been added!
Monday, October 23rd -- Reading and Conversation with F.B. Steele, M.D.
7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)
Manilatown Heritage Foundation (co-sponsor)
868 Kearny Street, San Francisco
Saturday, October 28th -- Open House at my office
1-4 pm
1734 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
Wednesday, November 8th -- FREE Event with conversation with surprise journalist!!!
7:30 pm
The Booksmith's Bindery
1727 Haight Street
Thanks for your continued support! Coming soon - the links for ebooks, my book trailer, and then finally, the links for hardcover copies!
This mailing list is announce-only.
This list will be an occasional update on the writings of Dr. Ravi Chandra. Free book on Asian American Anger available at https://ravichandramd.com/portfolio/asianamericananger/
I will not sell or give your emails to any third party. Your email will only be used by me with your permission. For a free ebook on Asian American anger, visit http://ravichandramd.com/test/portfolio/asianamericananger/