Ravi Chandra, M.D., Psychiatrist and Writer Asian Art Museum and other readings!

From: "Ravi Chandra, M.D., Psychiatrist and Writer" <ravi.chandra@PROTECTED>
Date: July 10th 2013

Hello there -

Happy Summer!  I've got a couple of events in the next week or so for everyone in the San Francisco area.  I've been told that one of them, at the Asian Art Museum, will be YouTubed.  I'll be sure to send a link when that's available.  Event details are below.

1.  "Collection Obsessions"

Asian Art Museum, San Francisco

Thursday, July 18, 2013, 6:30-7:30 pm (Matcha starts at 5 pm that night, $5 admission for non-members)

I will be blending poetry, neuroscience, psychiatry and biology on the topic of collections.  This event is part of the exhibition of Larry Ellison's collection of Japanese art and antiquities now on display at the AAM.  (He has a collection of houses in Malibu, I have a collection of Trader Joe's paper bags.  Think we can swap? smiley)

How do people get started collecting? Where do the laser-like focus and fiery passion come from? Listen to short presentations by various collectors Cory Combs, Ravi Chandra, Jing Bentley, Florence Hitchcock and Peter Sinton, followed by a sneak peek of Herb & Dorothy 50x50. This follow-up to the award-winning documentary Herb & Dorothy concerns their gift project of 50 artworks for 50 states. Filmmaker Megumi Sasaki will be present for discussion. DJ Bus Station John will provide the soundtrack for the evening from his extensive collection of vinyl records

2.  East Bay Meditation Social Sangha Night/Open Mic and potluck dinner

Saturday, July 13th, 2013, 7-10:30 pm

285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

I plan on performing a few Buddhist-themed poems, including the tongue-in-cheek "The Bodhisattva Breaks Up" and in honor of the 4th of July, "Uncle Samosa".  I'll also bring copies of my poetry book in case anyone's interested in buying it (just $10 for a signed copy!)


Thanks for signing up for my list!  I hope to have some really great announcements by the end of the year.  

All the best,

Ravi Chandra

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