36 Views of SF 36+4: Three for the road
36 Views of SF 36+4: Three for the road July 6-21, 2018 I. my smartphone plunges breaking news daggers into my side. et tu iPhone? II. salesforce visions at sixty-one floors streets paved with gold...
36 Views of SF 36+4: Three for the road July 6-21, 2018 I. my smartphone plunges breaking news daggers into my side. et tu iPhone? II. salesforce visions at sixty-one floors streets paved with gold...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+5. belonging July 11-12, 2018 (written while walking Riverside Drive in New York City) belonging memories melt, butter, onto present moment toast: savor this meal. loneliness sometimes comes, fiery panics...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+6. angry wounds July 12, 2018 angry wound sprouts skin breaks down shouts for attention old wineskin injured heart-wine-blood flows in. immigrant, migrant, undocumented, yet unknown, vital old body in...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+7. The Storm July 14, 2018 in life you need to know when to be Mt. Fuji and when to be the storm. when to be the leaf in a...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+8. Her Name is Han July 14, 2018 Note: Han is a Korean cultural term that signifies a “feeling of unresolved resentment against injustices suffered”. My understanding is that it is...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+9. Pro-lost, Pro-found July 15, 2018 lose yourself on unfamiliar streets turn off your apps and maps lose yourself in coffee cups lose yourself untrapped lose yourself in concerts get...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+10. Vision Field July 15, 2018 wanting to be seen so hard to see harder still to see ourselves. we can’t escape the shaping gaze we react to misshapen sight...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+11. San Francisco, Eternal City July 18, 2018 sakura mochi from benkyodo don’t die spiritual gangsters of the marina don’t die locus friends, third thursday friends, hapi hour friends don’t...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+12. Awake July 18, 2018 America your wounds lumber my thoughts your wounds slumbered my sight your wounds sinkholed my road your wounds jacked my ride you promised me freedom...
36 Views of SF: 36+13. Summer of Verklemption, Summer of Redemption July 22, 2018 i’m on the 22 Fillmore Steiner and Green. an 8 or 10 year-old chinese boy hands a black boy, same age,...
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