36 Views of SF: 30. America in Crisis, America in Transition
36 Views of SF: 30. America in Crisis, America in Transition July 4, 2018 Is America a Boy or Girl? Are we a 25 year old in Crisis Quarterlife? 39 years old facing Crisis Midlife?...
36 Views of SF: 30. America in Crisis, America in Transition July 4, 2018 Is America a Boy or Girl? Are we a 25 year old in Crisis Quarterlife? 39 years old facing Crisis Midlife?...
36 Views of SF: 31. first memories July 4, 2018 toddling after a giant girl down a sidewalk in my diapers my father driving me to preschool looking out the window wondering where...
36 Views of SF: 32. small plates July 6, 2018 pride meal, alone crushed pepper blessing anchovy shells, delfina shared in sight, only boy meets grill mall k-bbq grilling makes me feel the man date...
36 Views of SF: 33. the stream July 6, 2018 when did everyone start wearing shoulder holes? when did spandex tights become a thing? when did everyone start carrying yoga mats? when did everyone get...
36 Views of SF: 34. The Great Vehicle July 6, 2018 (The Birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) I’m a doctor on the boat of the wounded wounded myself. Every time I think I’m...
36 Views of SF: 35. the bandaged place july 8, 2018 older black man bum leg and cane crossing market and castro bearded white hobo hefty bag shouldered gambols divisadero aged chinese woman tongs for...
36 Views of SF: 36. We come from the Belly of Earth! June 24, 2018 We come from the Belly of Earth! We come from the Belly of Time! We come from the Belly of...
36 Views of SF: 36+1. Apocalips May 22, 2016 A smile returned is a tilt-a-whirl Throwing me into a fit of ecstasy Needed proof on a cold gray city day Of inclusion in humanity. We...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+2. Masterpiece Theater June 13, 2018 Maybe Heaven and Hell are just a two-story condo suspended on a deserted isle in time. Maybe they’re a cosmic comic mashup of “Upstairs,...
36 Views of San Francisco: 36+3. Is there another option? July 4, 2018 The problem with being oppressed is that there always has to be an oppressor The problem with being an oppressor is that...
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